State Sales Tax

Wyoming Sales Tax Guide for eCommerce Businesses

Wyoming Sales Tax Guide for eCommerce Businesses

Sales Tax eBook

Contact Us

Wyoming's Sales Tax Authority

State Phone Information


Member of the Streamlined Sales Tax Governing Board?

Tax percent range for remote sellers in Wyoming

4% to 6%

The information on this page is for reference only and should not be used as legal or tax advice. If you are concerned about your sales tax obligations it is advised to hire a professional.

This Page was last updated: December 2021

State's Map

Do you need to collect sales tax in Wyoming?

If you have nexus in Wyoming you will need to first register, then collect and remit sales tax. There are two main ways that sellers can have nexus: physical or economic.

Physical nexus - A seller physical/ tangible presence in the state.
Economic nexus - A remote seller (no physical presence) passes the threshold tor total revenue or number of transactions.

Does Wyoming charge sales tax on shipping?


Do you have physical nexus in Wyoming?

A seller has physical nexus in Wyoming if they have any of the following:

Person engaged in the business of selling at retail or wholesale tangible personal property, admissions or services which are subject to taxation.

Do you have economic nexus in Wyoming?

Wyoming's Economic Nexus Sales Threshold


Economic Transactions Threshold


Economic Nexus Evaluation Period

Either Current or Previous Calendar Year

Economics Nexus Effective Date

February 1, 2019

What types of sales are included in Wyoming's Economic Nexus Sales Threshold?

Gross Sales

However, Marketplace Facilitator sales are included in the Economic Nexus Sales Threshold

How does Wyoming treat exempt transactions when calculating economic nexus?

Exempt sales and exempt services are included in the threshold count

Does Wyoming have a Marketplace Facilitator Law?

Yes, Marketplace Facilitators are required to collect and remit sales tax on behalf of sellers on their platform.

Filling Sales Tax

When are Returns Due?

Wyoming sales tax returns are almost always due the last day of the month following the reporting period. If the filing due date falls on a weekend or holiday, sales tax is generally due the next business day.

How often are Sales Tax Returns filed?

Monthly, Quarterly, or Annually
This period is determined by the state typically by assessing your volume of sales in the state.

 Options for filing sales tax returns:

Online - The Excise Tax Division offers an internet filing option (WYIFS). Vendors need to contact The Excise Tax Division to setup a WYIFS account.
Mail - Sales tax accrued or collected by licensed vendors is remitted to the Department of Revenue via Forms 10, 11 and 17 sales/use tax returns eSenshi-File – Let us fight your tax battle, we always win! Check out our sales tax services here.

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